Nerdy Jokes
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Birthdays are beneficial for your health. A new breakthrough statistical study unequivocally proved that the more birthdays one has the longer one lives.
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We know through Erdös that “a mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems”. It thus follows by duality that a comathematician is a device for turning cotheorems into ffee.
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– What do you do when you see a beautiful girl?
– I download her.
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Programmers wear red T-shirts to match the color of their eyes.
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We invented the decimal system, because humans have ten fingers on their hands; and 32-bit computers, because humans have 32 teeth in their mouths.
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A general shows off a new tank and boasts:
– You see a tank supplied with the most modern computer technology.
– What is the speed of its computer?
– The same as the speed of the tank, of course.

But where do we get the cotheorems from? Deduce them from rollaries of course.
8 March 2010, 1:04 pmTanya Khovanova:
11 March 2010, 1:58 pmIlya Bogdanov:
> But where do we get the cotheorems from? Deduce them from rollaries of course.
16 March 2010, 3:13 pmOf urse, I think.
A stack dump is what you get when two twains collide
14 August 2010, 2:26 pm